Amdanaf / About

Awdur, garddwr a ieithgi o Gaerfyrddin. Awdur Afalau Cymru (2018), Welsh Food Stories (2022) a Tir: The Story of the Welsh Landscape (2024). Bu’n rhan o’r grwp fu’n gyfrifol am sefydlu’r casgliad cenedlaethol o afalau Cymreig yng Ngardd Fotaneg Cymru ac yn awr wrthi’n gweithio i gyd-sefydlu elusen newydd i Gymru: Cegin y Bobl.

Carwyn Graves is a an author, public speaker and gardener from Wales. Author of the bestselling Apples of Wales (2018), Welsh Food Stories (2022) and Tir: The Story of the Welsh Landscape (2024). Founding trustee of new Welsh charity, Cegin y Bobl (The People’s Kitchen).


Casgliad digon cymysg ei natur o ysgrifau, gyda phwyslais ar hanes bwyd a thirwedd Cymru ar hyn o bryd (gw. y cyflwyniad i’r gyfres yma).

A mix of essays and articles, with a focus currently on Welsh food and landscape history. The longest series is mostly in Welsh, though see here for my current monthly column on on the diversity of Welsh food culture, past and present.
See also here for a current, broad-ranging series of articles on Welsh food, food history, policy and more.

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